6 Things to be Considered Before Designing Effective Safety Sign Boards
A safety sign can be defined as communicating the necessary instructions through symbols on signboards or small pasted boards at the workplace or another place. These signs can be considered as non-verbal communication to impart important information. These signs should be effectively designed in proper colors and be placed at prominent places. The information needs to be precise without any fail!! Below are some important points that need to be taken care of while designing a signboard that is readable and visible. 1.Font Style: One of the key aspects of designing a signboard is the font style. A signboard should always be in BOLD letters, irrespective of the purpose. Avoid using creative, or cursive writings in choosing the font style. The most important information or the main purpose should be placed in maximum size after that you can include information that is less important in smaller font. 2.Composition: Avoid overstuffing your board wi...